When you partner with Presidential Care, Inc. for your home health care needs, please make sure that you are aware of your rights and responsibilities. Please read the details below carefully.
Client’s Rights:
- Right to respect, emotional support, confidentiality and security of information that supports your care without regards to race, color, creed, national origin, sex and handicap.
- Right to be informed about the plan of service and to participate in the planning; your preferences regarding days and time of service should be honored when possible. If not possible, the client should be offered the option of referral to other providers.
- Right to be promptly and fully informed of any changes in the plan of service. Changes in time of service and availability or change in staff should be reported to the client residence as soon as possible before the service so that the client retains the right to accept or refuse services.
- Right to accept or refuse services; the client has legal right to accept or refuse services, this must be respected. Refusal of services must be reported to the supervision immediately when the client could potentially suffer harm.
- Right to be fully informed of the charges for services.
- Right to be informed of the name, business telephone number and business address of the person supervising the services and how to contact that person.
- Right to be informed of the complaint procedures and the right to submit complaints without fear of discrimination or retaliation and to have them investigated by the provider within a reasonable period of time. The complaint procedure provided shall include the name, business address and telephone number of the person designated by the provider to handle complaint and questions.
- Right of confidentiality of client record.
- Right to have property and resident treated with respect.
- Right to receive a written notice of the address and telephone number of the state licensing authority, the department, which further explains that the department is charged with the responsibility of licensing the provider and investigating client complaint which appear to violate licensing regulation.
- Right to obtain a copy of the provider’s most recent completed report of licensure inspection from the completed report of licensure inspection from the provider upon written request. The provider is not required to release the report of licensure inspection until the provider has had an opportunity to file a written plan of correction for the violations if any identified.
- Right to be advised that client and the responsible party, if applicable, must advise the responsible party and advise the provider of any changes in the client’s condition or any events that affect the client’s service needs.
Client’s Responsibilities:
- Provide accurate complete information about present complaints, past illness, hospitalizations, medications and other matters related to your health.
- Ask for an explanation if you do not understand papers you are asked to sign or anything related to your care.
- Follow the care prescribed recommended by the doctor, nurses and other allied healthcare personnel.
- Report unexpected changes in your condition to the responsible caregiver.
- Keep appointment and call to cancel or change appointment as soon as possible.
- Respect the rights and privacy of others.